Gonadon Belco 250 mg - 1 ml

Gonadon Belco 250 mg - 1 ml
Special offer
Product no.: AD41
Your price: €5.00
Roid Rage Level: 6/10*
*This indicator shows the percentage of roid rage this product can cause and high rated products should be used accordingly by sensitive users. 
Sustanon 250 is a blend of four testosterone esters testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocaproate and testosterone decanoate. These esters make Sustanon one of the longest-lasting steroid compounds available today. It is an ideal compound for putting on size and increasing muscle strength.
Sustanon is also relatively mild on the estrogenic side effects such as gynocomastia and water-retention. Doses of 250 mgs to 1000 mgs per week are recommended to keep a balanced testosterone level, although Sustanon will stay active in the body for up to a whole month.
At higher doses, estrogenic effects can be severe and anti-estrogens like Nolvadex or Proviron are recommended. Taking Sustanon will also reduce the body’s natural production of testosterone so a post-cycle therapy of HCG or Clomid is also desirable.
Sustanon 250® is an oil-based injectable testosterone blend, developed by Organon. It typically contains four different testosterone esters: Testosterone propionate (30 mg); testosterone phenylpropionate (60 mg); testosterone isocaproate (60mg); and testosterone decanoate (100 mg), although a lower dosed version is also produced. An intelligently “engineered” testosterone, Sustanon is designed to provide a fast yet extended release of testosterone. The propionate and phenylpropionate esters in this product are quickly utilized, releasing into circulation within the first four days. The remaining esters are much slower to release, staying active in the body for about two and three weeks (respectively).
As with all testosterone products, Sustanon is a strong anabolic with pronounced androgenic activity. It is mainly used as a bulking drug, providing good gains in strength and muscle mass. Although it does convert to estrogen, as is the nature of testosterone, this injectable is noted as being slightly more tolerable than cypionate or enanthate. Such observations are only issues of timing however. With Sustanon, blood levels of testosterone are building more slowly, so side effects do not set in as fast. For equal blood hormone levels however, testosterone will break down equally without regard to ester. Also correlating with estrogen, water retention would be noticeable with Sustanon, unless steps were taken to minimize estrogen.
Many individuals like to use a combination of Nolvadex & Proviron, while others use an anti-aromatase like Arimidex, Femara, or Aromasin, to help control estrogen related side effects.
Being a strong androgen, we can expect the typical side effects. This includes oily skin, acne body/facial hair growth and premature balding. The addition of Proscar/Propecia should be able to minimize such side effects, as it will limit the conversion of testosterone to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) . Sustanon will also suppress natural testosterone production rather quickly. The use of HCG and/or Clomid/Nolvadex are necessary at the conclusion of a cycle in order to avoid a hormonal crash. Remember though, Sustanon will remain active in the body for up to a month after your last injection was given. Beginning you post cycle drug therapy immediately after the steroid has been discontinued will not be very effective. Instead, HCG or Clomid/Nolvadex should be delayed three weeks, until you are near the point where blood androgen levels have dropped significantly.
Although Sustanon remains active in the body for approximately three weeks, injections are taken at least every 10 days. An effective dosage ranges from 250mg (one ampule) a week, to 1000mg (four ampules) weekly. Some athletes do use more extreme dosages of this steroid, but this is really not a recommended practice. When the dosage rises above 750-1000mg per week, increased side effects will no doubt be outweighing additional benefits. Basically you will receive a poor return on your investment, which with Sustanon can be substantial. Instead of taking unnecessarily large amounts, athletes interested in rapid size and strength will usually opt to addition another compound. For this purpose we find that Sustanon stacks extremely well with the potent orals Anadrol and Dianabol. On the other hand, Sustanon may work better with trenbolone or Winstrol if the athlete were seeking to maintain a harder, more defined look to his physique.


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